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Brother  Marie-Victorin on the Varadero beach, with his sisters and a friends, 1939
Exposition Sous le soleil de Cuba [Jardin botanique de Montréal]
Under the Cuban Sun Cuba Marie-Victorin Itineraries Cuba's Provinces

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Marie-Victorin dreamed of going to Cuba, but ...

Marie-Victorin looks exhausted here!

He kept receiving letters from Cuba from his botanist friend Brother L?on ? whom he met in Longueuil in 1904 ? and dreaming of joining him there. But that would take time, and permission from his Superior.

At least, the Montr?al Botanical Garden is becoming a reality. It's a long process, but it is sure to be a success.

Jardin botanique de Montr?al

photo: Michel Tremblay, JBM

Glasses, pen, paper knife and calling cards belonging to Marie-Victorin (objects from the Archives of the Fr?res des ?coles chr?tiennes du Canada francophone (F?CCF), Laval).

Few letters from Marie-Victorin to Brother L?on written between 1923 and 1933, in which he mentions that he hopes to go to Cuba one day. Most of his missives were typewritten. (Division des archives ? Universit? de Montr?al, Fonds Institut botanique - E 118)

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Under the Cuban Sun with Marie-Victorin [Jardin botanique de Montréal]

Last Update: 2014-06-18
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Ville de Montréal