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Brother  Marie-Victorin on the Varadero beach, with his sisters and a friends, 1939
Exposition Sous le soleil de Cuba [Jardin botanique de Montréal]
Under the Cuban Sun Cuba Marie-Victorin Itineraries Cuba's Provinces

Homepage >> Cuba's provinces - Santa Clara >> [1 of 4] Français

Fruit from the royal palm thanks to the desmochador

We met the "desmochador", the tree trimmer whose job it is to cut the "palmiche" [fruit] growing beneath the crown of a Royal Palm.

He was delighted to give a demonstration for a foreigner like me. In just a few minutes, without a single wasted movement, hoisting himself up the tree with a rope wrapped around the smooth column of the trunk, the desmochador climbed to the top, the crown, 20 or 30 metres up.

The palmiche, which he chopped off with a blow from his machete, often weighs more than 20 kilos. If the desmochador has someone to hold the rope out at an angle, he places the palmiche across the rope and lets it slide smoothly down to the ground. An excellent lesson!

The desmochador and his gear.

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The rope is used as a climbing aid.

The climb begins

The climb begins.

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A desmochador climbing a palm.

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The palmiche on the ground.
The fruit will be fed to the pigs.

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Under the Cuban Sun with Marie-Victorin [Jardin botanique de Montréal]

Last Update: 2014-06-18
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Ville de Montréal