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Brother  Marie-Victorin on the Varadero beach, with his sisters and a friends, 1939
Exposition Sous le soleil de Cuba [Jardin botanique de Montréal]
Under the Cuban Sun Cuba Marie-Victorin Itineraries Cuba's Provinces

Homepage >> Cuba - Biodiversity >> [2 of 3] Français

A salute to Cuban biodiversity

Lapel pins showing the Cuban national tree, flower and bird:
- A royal palm (Roystonea regia), found from one end of the country to the other,symbolizing the strength of the Cuban people.
- A mariposa (Hedychium coronarium, a member of the Zingiberaceae family), called butterfly ginger in English. The species is native to Southeast Asia, but according to Cuban legend women wore the fragrant flowers during the wars of independence in the 19th century to hide messages to the rebel army.
- A tocororo (Priotelus temnurus), or Cuban trogon, its splendid plumage the same colours as the Cuban flag. Also a symbol of freedom, because these birds are unable to survive in captivity.

Also shown : a jade turtle.

Collections priv?es; photo: Michel Tremblay, JBM

Collections priv?es; photo: Michel Tremblay, JBM

Turtles made in Cuba (wood and mother-of-pearl).

Ant made from Cuban wood.

Wooden turtles

Turtles made in Cuba (various wood)

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Under the Cuban Sun with Marie-Victorin [Jardin botanique de Montréal]

Last Update: 2014-06-18
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Ville de Montréal