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The Japanese Garden and Pavilion
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Open Windows on Japanese Gardens

     5. Key to the project: the choice of stone

Peridotite. Photo : JBM
Peridotite. Photo : JBM

For the central element of the Montréal Japanese Garden, Mr. Nakajima chose a rare stone...
of rare beauty, never before used in landscape architecture.

The Japanese Garden under construction. Photo : JBM
The Japanese Garden under construction. Photo : JBM

Peridotite, its greenish splendour streaked with white and black, gives the Montréal Japanese Garden a unique personality. It is also a nod to Québec geology, for it comes from the asbestos mines of Thetford Mines.

The Japanese Garden under construction. Photo : JBM
The Japanese Garden under construction. Photo : JBM

An igneous rock, formed some 500 million years ago, it is from a long seam that crosses the Appalachians and runs toward the Gaspé Peninsula and the Atlantic Ocean. The only other seam like it in the world is in Siberia.

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