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The Japanese Garden and Pavilion
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Open Windows on Japanese Gardens

     24. A pond and its fish

Montréal Japanese Garden. Photo : Michel Lambert
Montréal Japanese Garden. Photo : Michel Lambert

Water like a mirror, vast as infinite thought itself. Water that glistens with the rising sun, blushes at sunset and fades into the night... only to glimmer again under the moon, the white disk that balances the circle of the sun. Water, essential to life.

The shape of a pond in a Japanese garden is always asymmetrical.

For greater symbolism, it is sometimes in the shape of a letter from the Sanskrit alphabet, an animal or a heart.

A stone lantern links the land and water. Photo : Claude Gagné
Hanbe garden, Hiroshima. A stone lantern links the land and water. Photo : Claude Gagné

Ponds are often alive with brightly coloured carp, veritable living flowers.

They cannot be very deep, for Shinto belief has it that deep water allows the fish to grow too large and metamorphose into harmful divinities.

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