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21. Véritables sculptures végétale les arbustes
Summer is a restrained season in a Japanese garden.
Yet the greens of shrubs chosen for the depth or delicacy of their foliage fill the eye, and their perfect shapes delight the senses.
For the Japanese recommend that shrubs be pruned constantly.
Not to subjugate nature, which they venerate, but to emphasize the uniqueness of each plant.
By creating an extraordinary profile for each one, the gardener imbues it with symbolism and a near-divine perfection.
Gardens, after all, were once said to be the homes of the gods.
A master gardener selects shrubs with the greatest care.
Should they flower in the spring or, more discreetly, in the summer?
How best to combine evergreens and deciduous plants?
Some are chosen for their red berries in the fall, others for their twisted winter silhouettes.
Others are used together to create a subtle dialogue between different hues of green, to fashion valleys or enclose the garden with an opaque hedge.