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The Japanese Garden and Pavilion
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Open Windows on Japanese Gardens

     19. Plants and time

A Japanese garden must depict the relentless progression of time.

The flowing water, the stone it polishes with its caress, the slow bleaching of a bamboo screen-each expresses the passing of time in its own way.

But the creator of a Japanese garden relies mainly on plants to fulfil this role.

For as they change, they follow the rhythm of nature's seasons, as we do in our own lives.

The seasons of a Japanese garden in... Montréal

Winter slumber. Photo : Michel Lambert
Winter slumber.
Photo : Michel Lambert

Snow adds its own touch. Photo : Michel Lambert
Snow adds its own touch.
Photo : Michel Lambert

Springtime rebirth. Photo : Michel Lambert
Springtime rebirth.
Photo : Michel Lambert

Autumn hues. Photo : Michel Lambert
Autumn hues.
Photo : Michel Lambert

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