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Brother  Marie-Victorin on the Varadero beach, with his sisters and a friends, 1939
Exposition Sous le soleil de Cuba [Jardin botanique de Montréal]
Under the Cuban Sun Cuba Marie-Victorin Itineraries Cuba's Provinces

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Clusia rosea

Here is a tree that is remarkable for its epiphytic habits, a Clusia rosea, taxonomically related - if you can believe it - to our St. Johnswort!

Perhaps one of its seeds was carried by birds to a tree branch. Before long a parasitic life appeared. Soon there was a little Clusia straddling the branch. It quickly grew aerial roots that hung down like cables and ended up reaching the ground and nutrients. The roots grew thicker and, within a few months, a few years, swallowed up the host tree. Note that Clusia rosea is not strictly epiphytic, and is often found living an independent life.

Flowering branch of Clusia rosea.

UdeM: E01185FP11730

UdeM: E01185FP11798

A high forest stand on the Mesa del Lindero, where the Clusia rosea have engulfed smaller trees.

The fruit is dry and the size of an apple.

UdeM: E01182FP00430

Photo: Michel Tremblay, JBM

The Clusia rosea specimen in the greenhouses of the Botanical Garden in 2011.

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Under the Cuban Sun with Marie-Victorin [Jardin botanique de Montréal]

Last Update: 2014-06-18
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Ville de Montréal