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The Japanese Garden and Pavilion
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Open Windows on Japanese Gardens

     27. Listen to your Heart

Montréal Botanical Garden. Photo : Médiathèque du Jardin botanique de Montréal
Montréal Botanical Garden. Photo : Médiathèque du Jardin botanique de Montréal

In creating a garden there is only basic rule: be faithful to your first conception of its composition, and then let your heart speak.
Sakutei-ki, 11th century

Ken Nakajima, creator of the Montréal Japanese Garden, readily agrees that a garden must be more than ornamental. It must have that something that touches the heart (fuzei), and brings contentment and peace to those who are able to appreciate it.

So go out into our Japanese garden as you leave this exhibition. Follow its winding paths and explore every nook and cranny.

Take a seat on a bench, to contemplate its changing beauty as the hours pass and the light transforms the view.

May you come away refreshed, feeling the grace of fuzei.

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