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The Japanese Garden and Pavilion
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Open Windows on Japanese Gardens

     4. Endless maintenance

Tools for garden maintenance. Photo : Louis Rinfret
Tools for garden maintenance: as simple as ever. Patience and meticulous attention also remain essential. Saiho-ji garden, Kyoto. Photo : Louis Rinfret

A Japanese garden, be it ancient or modern, expresses a profound respect for Nature.

At the same time, like a living paradox, it is a constant challenge to natural forces.

A landscape architect has fashioned a garden worthy of the gods, in a defined space.

The trees are faultless. The shrubs have been perfectly trimmed. The gravel is freshly raked.

Shisen-Do garden, Kyoto. Photo : Louis Rinfret
Shisen-Do garden, Kyoto. After the initial pruning to give the desired shape, comes maintenance, sometimes daily. For once one has achieved perfection... Photo : Louis Rinfret

But the wind springs up, and suddenly...
... the fine waves of pebbles lose their sharp edges,
... unwanted seeds fall into the moss.

But the days roll by, and...
... a twig springs from the perfectly shaped tree.

But the years pass, and...
... a clay tile falls and breaks.

Setting stakes to support a pine tree. Photo : Louis Rinfret
Setting stakes to support a pine tree.
Photo : Louis Rinfret

It is the endless attentive care, every day, every week, over the years, that makes a Japanese garden an eternal creation.

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