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The Japanese Garden and Pavilion
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Open Windows on Japanese Gardens

     10. Shakkei or borrowed scenery

Murin-An garden, Kyoto. Photo: Claude Gagné
Murin-An garden, Kyoto, and its backdrop of mountain and sky. This garden is a recent creation, dating only from 1900, and shows how modern-day adepts of this thousand-year old art continue to practise it with perfect mastery. Photo : Claude Gagné

Although a Japanese garden is always confined to a clearly defined space, it cannot exist in isolation from its environment.

It must be in complete harmony with its surroundings.

In about the 17th century, a new landscaping concept emerged in Japan, known as the "borrowed scenery" technique, or shakkei.

Heian Jingu temple garden, Kyoto. Photo : Claude Gagné
Heian Jingu temple garden, Kyoto.
Photo : Claude Gagné

The garden includes far-off scenic features in its vistas, using them like a backdrop to create greater perspective and the illusion of unlimited depth.

It may be a mountain on the horizon, the splendours of an adjacent cherry orchard, or the distant blue flash of the sea, seamlessly worked into the man-made garden to produce a combined harmony approaching the sublime.

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