Jacques Rousseau: Natural Landscapes and Native People of Northern Quebec and Elsewhere
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Otish Mountains - Summer 1949

For this seventh exploration of arctic and subarctic Québec, Jacques Rousseau chooses the Otish Mountains, at their central point where the most modern geographical map of the time puts these small mountains. With few exceptions, no explorer had yet really been in this region whose existence was revealed to cartographers by aircraft traveling in Greenland during the Second War. These mountains are not a chain, but a mass of about 1,200 m high, spanning approximately 20 km by 50 km. At 160-250 km north-east of Lake Mistassini and located approximately at the geographic center of Quebec, the Otish Mountains belong to the Canadian Shield.

For this expedition, Jacques Rousseau is accompanied by René Pomerleau (1904-1993), a mycologist and professor at the University of Montreal, his son François and a native guide Montagnais, Antoine Grégoire.
Thinking he is climbing the highest peak of the Otish, Rousseau suffer a cardiac arrest, forcing him and his guide to sleep under the stars.

Rousseau later uses the name Watshish as used by Aboriginal people, in a 1959 article in the Cahiers de géographie periodical.

Photographs are presented following their original order.
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1 - 16 on a total of 115 images for this album

Collection Jacques Rousseau
Montagnais de Falardeau ( 22 milles ? l'est de Ste Anne de Chicoutimi), cousins d'Antoine Gr?goire.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Entre lac ? la Croix et lac Onistagan, rivi?re P?ribonka
Collection Jacques Rousseau
On fait le plein d'essence au lac Onistagan.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Taiga entre lac Onistagan et le massif des monts Otish.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Taiga et parcelles de toundra et solifluction, entre Onistagan et Monts Otish.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Flanc du pic des Monts Otish ? la base duquel se trouvait notre campement. Au-dessus de la for?t, toundra alpine.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Flanc du pic des Monts Otish ? la base duquel se trouvait notre campement. Au-dessus de la for?t, toundra alpine.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Flanc du pic des Monts Otish ? la base duquel se trouvait notre campement. Au-dessus de la for?t, toundra alpine.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Monts Otish, d?charge du lac du campement.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Monts Otish, sommet du pic du campement.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Monts Otish, pic du campement, Jacques Rousseau dans une formation subalpine.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Monts Otish, Jacques et Fran?ois Rousseau au sommet du pic du campement.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Monts Otish, Jacques et Fran?ois Rousseau au sommet du pic du campement.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Monts Otish, ruisseau et vallon ? la ligne des arbres sur le pic du campement.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Monts Otish, Fran?ois Rousseau et Ren? Pomerleau au sommet du pic du campement.
Collection Jacques Rousseau
Monts Otish, Ostiole tourbeuse dans une d?pression de la zone alpine, pic du campement, Jacques et Fran?ois Rousseau.

Last Update: 2012-12-13
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Ville de Montréal