Ville de Montréal
Ville de Montréal
Group of Archivists of the Region of Montréal
Chapter 9 IntroductionHochelaga 1500-1642Ville-Marie 1642-1665Heart of an Empire 1699-1763Small French Town 1665-1760Conquered City 1760-1800British Commercial Takeover 1800-1850Industrial City 1850-1896Canada's Metropolis 1896-1914North-American City 1914-1929Depression and War 1930-1945Modern City 1945-1960Québec's Metropolis 1960-1992ConclusionQuizEducational Resources

The First World War

A painful adjustment

The return of growth

A better life

Institute for Neurological Investigation.
Sketch of the proposed Institute for Neurological Investigation. Enclosed in a letter written on Biltmore Hotel notepaper from Penfield to Edward Archibald a McGill Professor of surgery and the man who brought Penfield to Montréal.
Penfield founded the Montréal Neurological Institute which opened in 1934.
January 18, 1929.
Source : Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University, Fonds Penfield, P142, MNI A/N/ 1/1.