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80 years of history & archives at the Botanical Garden >> Historical Path >> Stop 20 - Arboretum [2 of 2]: Cutting down one tree Français


Cutting down one tree ... to save others

Destroying a mature tree that's part of a valuable collection wouldn't seem to make much sense. Yet that's what those in charge of the Arboretum sometimes have to do in order to save the rest of the collection.

But before sacrificing a tree - especially when it's a rare species or the only representative of a species - they take a cutting so that it can be grown in a nursery and the specimen can be returned to the Botanical Garden collection.

Jardin botanique de Montréal (Archives) - call number:rmi000478

Jardin botanique de Montréal (Robert Mineau)

Birch borer damages - Jardin botanique de Montréal (Gilles Murray) - GIM006069In recent years, a number of the Garden's birches, some of them quite large, have had to be cut down as a result of bronze birch borer damage.

Jardin botanique de Montréal
(Gilles Murray)

Asian Long-horned beetleEmerald ash borer
This insect native to Asia attacks healthy trees. It was first identified in North America in New York State in 1996, and appeared in Ontario in September 2003. The only means of controlling it is to cut down and burn the infested tree and all others within a 400-metre radius.
This pest was first reported in Michigan in 2002 and shortly afterward in Essex County, Ontario. Also native to Asia, it multiplies extremely quickly and has already caused considerable damage in our neighbouring province, where millions of ash trees have had to be destroyed.
Photos: Thierry Poiré, ACIA / CFIA - David Cappaert, Michigan State University
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Shade Garden
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Tree House

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Last Update: 2014-06-18
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