
People who built Saint-Laurent's history

People who built Saint-Laurent's history

We must underscore the donation received from the Société d'histoire de Saint-Laurent further to an agreement signed with the City of Saint-Laurent on October 6, 1999. Under the terms of this agreement, the Société's documents were transferred to the City along with all the copyrights it held on the documents.

This acquisition made it possible to publish several family photos on the site. 

Jean Descarie and sons

First colonists

Founding Family Beaulieu

Founding Family Cousineau

Founding Grou

Founding Family Jasmin

Founding Family Laurin

Founding Family Robitaille

Saint-Laurent's Parish Priests

Jean-Baptiste Gaultier

Mayors – Parish

Dr François-Zéphirin Tassé

Louis-Philippe Beaudet


Mayors – City

Édouard Gohier father

Édouard Gohier junior

Alexis Nihon

Me Marcel Laurin

Dr Bernard Paquet

Alan DeSousa

The Population

© 2001-2013 All rights reserved, Ville de Montréal
777 boulevard Marcel-Laurin, Saint-Laurent (Québec) H4M 2M7
Tel. : (514) 855-6000 Fax : (514) 855-5709