Municipal Council
2000 Inauguration of Place de l'an 2000 on August 10 and of a commemorative sculpture created by artist Yves Trudeau at the corner of Sainte-Croix avenue and Côte-Vertu boulevard.
2001 Inauguration of a long-term hospital care facility, CHSLD, in the premises of the former centre hospitalier.
2001 (11 décembre) Last council meeting of Ville de Saint-Laurent. A resolution is adopted by the council which object is a tribute to the builders of the city. |
 Excerpts from the minutes
2002 On January 1, following the adoption of Bill 170 (An Act to reform the municipal territorial organization of the metropolitain regions of Montréal, Québec and Outaouais), the twenty-eight municipalities in the Montréal Urban Community are amalgamated into a mega-city known as the new City of Montréal. Ville de Saint-Laurent becomes Saint-Laurent Borough.