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Collège de Saint-Laurent
Founding of collège de Saint-Laurent
It was in 1852 that the pères de la Congrégation de Sainte-Croix built a first stone building in front of the building they had been occupying since 1847. First named the Académie industrielle since it offered trade instruction, in 1860 it became the collège de Saint-Laurent classical and bilingual educational institution for which father Gastineau established the study program.
An institution whose construction as well as the subsequent construction of adjoining buildings spanned more than a century, the college was, for a considerable period of time, self-sufficient due to its many facilities (bakery, butcher, shoemaker, cabinetmaker, carpentry, ironworks, laundry and sewing room).
In 1930, the college purchased the old St. Andrews and St. Paul Church from Canadian National. Although this event may seem insignificant, the church was dismantled one stone at a time in Montréal and rebuilt in Saint-Laurent. Completed in 1931, this new chapel was blessed by Mgr Gauthier, Bishop of Montréal.
 Collège de Saint-Laurent
 Collège de Saint-Laurent
In 1964 in light of the fallout from the Parent Report, draft bill 60 created the ministère de l'Éducation and the Conseil supérieur de l'éducation. The confessional aspect of the school system remained in effect even though the clergy lost its management role in the education system. In 1966, a new intermediary educational order between the high school and the university was created and the following year, a law came into effect making these colleges both general and professional (cegeps). Accordingly, in 1968 the college became cégep Saint-Laurent.
The departure of the Pères de Sainte-Croix in 1967 marked the virtually complete abandonment of religious practice at the institution.
With a reputation for top-quality instruction, today the cegep is still the shining glory of Saint-Laurent. Included among its accomplishments are the creation of a natural science museum, the Compagnons theatre company (in 1937) and a renowned music school. Lastly, the college offers technical and professional training in addition to art and music, all of which benefit from excellent recognition.
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777 boulevard Marcel-Laurin, Saint-Laurent (Québec) H4M 2M7
Tel. : (514) 855-6000 Fax : (514) 855-5709