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The population
The City's population evolved slowly until the start of the 20th Century. The arrival of the tramway and bus routes from Montréal transformed this peaceful farming village into an industrial Montréal suburb. Next came a rapid increase in the population, which grew from under 2,000 in 1911 to over 22,000 in 1951, after which time it doubled over a decade to 50,000 in 1961!
Up until 2001, Saint-Laurent was the 3rd leading city in the Montréal Urban Community, with more than 77,000 residents and the Quebec city with the largest percentage of incoming citizens. According to the 1993 municipal census, 39% of Saint-Laurent residents are Francophones, 29% are Anglophones and 32% speak a language other than French or English at home.
Nearby is the growth of the Saint-Laurent population by ten-year segments, from its incorporation to today. |
 Population growth from 1893 to 2001
© 2001-2013 All rights reserved, Ville de Montréal
777 boulevard Marcel-Laurin, Saint-Laurent (Québec) H4M 2M7
Tel. : (514) 855-6000 Fax : (514) 855-5709