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Saint-Laurent Parish and Church
Saint-Laurent Parish and Church
The colonists who had settled on the Coste Saint-Laurent two years earlier took their spiritual lives to heart. A first chapel was built in 1701 or 1702 on the site where the Rockland Shopping Centre now stands. The Sulpicians provided parish services throughout the Island of Montréal, however this chapel was only used for Sunday services.
With the advent of the parish system introduced by Mgr de Saint-Vallier, on September 20, 1720, the residents of Coste Saint-Laurent attended the canonic erection of their parish, which was entirely rural.
On October 1, 1720, the rectory that was home to François Seré, the first parish priest, was blessed. This wood building also included a chapel and was located very close to the original chapel. |
In light of numerous investigations carried out by intendant Bégon, who was entrusted with registering the size of the new parish and the number of homes it included, its territorial boundaries were officially established on March 3, 1722.
In 1725, Father Joseph Hourdé designed a church where the different sacraments could be celebrated. Following the incessant quarrelling between the parishioners of Coste Saint-Laurent and Coste Notre-Dame concerning the location of the structure, Father Hourdé decided on its construction between the two costes (south of the current intersection of the Métropolitaine Autoroute and de l'Acadie boulevard).
The new stone church was finally blessed on August 10, 1735 at the site of the current Saint-Laurent Church.
Over the course of their existence, the church and its rectory underwent numerous renovations. Accordingly, in 1830, a new rectory was built. It was extended in 1877, and demolished in 1951 to make room for today's rectory.
The church was demolished in 1835, more than one hundred years after its construction, and was rebuilt between 1835 and 1837 under the supervision of curé Saint-Germain.
The most significant renovations were carried out during the 19th Century, specifically the reconstruction of the towers and the façade in 1884 and the overhaul of the interior of the church in 1894. This work was the brainchild of father Louis-Philippe Beaudet.
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777 boulevard Marcel-Laurin, Saint-Laurent (Québec) H4M 2M7
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